La ciudad de Tangent ha restringido los espacios de estacionamiento frente a Pioneer Park, ubicado en North Lake Creek Drive, a los usuarios del parque durante el horario del parque. Está prohibido estacionar durante la noche y los vehÃculos serán remolcados por cuenta del propietario.
Según el Código Municipal Tangent 11.60.030(1)(E) y (G), un vehÃculo puede ser confiscado sin previo aviso por estar estacionado ilegalmente en una calle pública en un espacio notoriamente restringido donde el estacionamiento está limitado o prohibido durante algún tiempo o en cualquier momento. El vehÃculo interfiere con el uso previsto de dicha zona espacial o carriles de tráfico.
Esto significa que cualquier miembro del público o empleado de la ciudad puede llamar al número de teléfono que figura en los carteles de advertencia adheridos a Pioneer Park y remolcar un vehÃculo sin previo aviso al propietario. El propietario será responsable del coste de remolque y reclamación del vehÃculo.

TMC 11.60.030
In addition to a civil citation issued for violation of this chapter or state law, a vehicle may be impounded as follows:
(1) Without Prior Notice. A vehicle may be towed without prior notice when:
(A) The vehicle is a hazardous vehicle as defined in Section 11.60.010;
(B) The officer reasonably believes that the vehicle is stolen;
(C) The officer reasonably believes that the vehicle or its contents constitute evidence of any offense, if such towing is reasonably necessary to obtain or preserve such evidence;
(D) The vehicle was in possession of a person taken into custody by an officer;
(E) The vehicle is unlawfully parked on a public or private street in a conspicuously restricted space, zone or traffic lane where parking is limited or prohibited to designated classes of vehicles or periods of time, or at any time when the vehicle interferes with the intended use of such space, zone or traffic lane;
(F) The vehicle was in the possession of a person who an officer has probable cause to believe, at or just prior to the time the officer stops the person, has committed any of the following offenses:
(i) Driving while suspended or revoked (ORS 811.175 or 811.182);
(ii) Driving while under the influence of intoxicants (ORS 813.010);
(iii) Operating without driving privileges or in violation of license restrictions (ORS 807.010);
(iv) Driving an uninsured vehicle (ORS 806.010).
(G) The vehicle remained in a city park after park closure.