City Staff
- Sep 18
- 1 min
Oak Tree Care In Tangent
Recently, the City of Tangent experienced an unexpected tree limb fall from one of the White Oak trees outside Tangent City Hall....
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Oak Tree Care In Tangent
Air quality advisory for the Portland-Vancouver metro area, Willamette Valley and northern Umatilla County due to smog [Aviso sobre la calidad del aire]
Staying Cool During Heatwave
Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project
Volunteer Committee
City Hall Closed 10AM - 1PM Monday June 10
Municipal Election Filing Open
Cougar Sighting In Tangent
Summer Grass & Vegetation Ordinance In Effect
Online Notary Booking
32166 Old Oak Dr.
Tangent Oregon 97389
Office Hours
Mon - Fri | 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
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